If you’ve been charged with assault, you know your future is on the line. You’re facing major consequences that could include significant jail time. It’s a confusing, even terrifying time in your life and you need someone to help guide you. That’s where an experienced assault lawyer can step in and help.
Trust Covenant Legal Group With Your Assault Case
Attorney Mark Sherer has been practicing law for nearly 30 years with an intensive emphasis on criminal defense. As your assault lawyer, Mark Sherer can give you beneficial counsel and committed legal representation before, during, and after your trial. Your reputation and liberty are at stake and Attorney Mark Sherer will fight to give you the finest results.
Get Help From an Assault Lawyer Near You
If you need an assault lawyer in western North Dakota, Covenant Legal Group can give you the support you deserve. Our assault lawyer can help you in the following cities:
- Beach
- Arnegard
- Alexander
- Beulah
- Bismarck
- Bowman
- Center
- Dunn Center
- Dickinson
- Killdeer
- Mandan
- Manning
- Medora
- Stanton
- Watford City
- Williston
- And more!
Get Help From a Dependable Assault Lawyer Now!
If you’ve been charged with assault in North Dakota, contact Assault Lawyer Mark Sherer of Covenant Legal Group today. He’ll answer your questions and give you the legal support you need to get the best outcome possible. There is no charge for an initial call!